Smart Vents at Gaster Lumber & Hardware
Get your Smart Vents from Gaster Lumber today!
At Gaster Lumber & Hardware, we offer a range of quality building supplies that serious and professional building contractors use. From garage doors to fireplaces, and interior and exterior doors, we have them all.
One of our special offerings also happens to be a wide range of Smart Vent products. Smart Vent offers flood vents and foundation vents that protect homes, commercial spaces, garages, and other areas from water clogging and subsequent damage caused by it.
Not only does Smart Vent offer you protection from building damage, but it also gives you some great benefits on your insurance premium. If you have Smart Vent’s foundation vents or flood vents installed in your building, you can get up to 83 percent off on your flood premium.
Smart Vent Models
Model 1540-510
Model 1540-570
The wood wall flood vent offers insulation and weather stripping function as well.
Designed to occupy spaces between wood studs, this model comes in the standard marine grade stainless steel.